Jim Leonard boldly stated:
>"C.E. Forman" wrote:
>> "Softporn" by On-Line Systems

>I've seen that cover and I don't think that picture came from a party --
>Ken is clearly dressed for the role and nobody is smiling, they're
>staring directly at the camera.  It was an intentional shoot.

Alright, where can I see this cover?

>> "The Bilestoad" (I forget the company)
>> Criticized for its violence, some magazines even banned it from reviews.
>> Gameplay consists of two opponents hacking each others' limbs off with axes.
>> Quite realistic graphics for its time, especially for the Apple II.  (This
>> was 10 years before Mortal Kombat and Time Killers.)
>Yep, all true.  You can read a full account in Halcyon Days (only $10
>from www.dadgum.com).  His game is also notorious for proving piracy
>true.  It only sold about 12,000 copies if memory serves, which wasn't
>enough to sustain the programmer and he stopped making (quality) games
>-- yet Bilestoad was one of the most copied games I can ever remember.

I might also mention that he's working on a remake of the game for the
Mac.  I don't have the URL handy, sorry.

Lee K. Seitz  *  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  *  http://home.hiwaay.net/~lkseitz/
                   Wanted:  Vintage Pac-M*n necktie
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