Jim Leonard boldly stated:
>Starflight was also re-released later in their box format, with added
>support for EGA.  The non-Slash version of this is extremely rare (the
>Slash version is common).  This is the version to get since the older
>Starflight would only support 16 colors if you had Composite CGA or
>Tandy/PCjr as the game was originally developed before EGA existed.

Yes, I'm aware of this as I have this problem.  I found a patch or
emulator or something (I forget now) that lets you run Starflight in
something resembling MCGA, but it's not perfect.  And it doesn't
really matter since Starflight doesn't handle my 700 MHz machine well.
8)  I'm also missing the code wheel, but found a Windows program that
performs as one.

None of this really matters, you understand, because I don't have time
to play such an involved game anyway.  Have I mentioned what a bad
influence you guys are on me buying games I don't have time to play?

Lee K. Seitz  *  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  *  http://home.hiwaay.net/~lkseitz/
                   Wanted:  Vintage Pac-M*n necktie
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