Hugh Falk wrote:
> Populous was one of my all time favorites, but it was actually an ST/Amiga
> release first (and better on those platforms).  

Why?  (Not picking a fight, just curious)
> Stunts?  Same thing.  However, I'm a big fan of the Stunt mini-genre of the
> time.  Stunts, Stunt Driver and Stunt Car Racer all came out about the same
> time, and I was a big fan of all of them.  The first was Stunt Car Racer
> (1989), also known as Stunt Car Driver.  This one was the most fun of the
> whole bunch...great game...but also first on the ST/Amiga before PC.

And C64.  Stunt Track Racer was so brilliantly coded it ran at 15 fps on
all platforms.  Yes, it was simple 3D, but it was 3D all the same.

I was a fan of Stunt Driver (Spectrum Holobyte) over Stunts because the
stunts were more flexible in the track editor (wants a completely banked
track?  No problem) and because you could also customize the gameworld
physics (friction, gravity, etc.) and also you could design your own
car!  It also had a faster 3D engine, digitized sound through the
speaker, and multiplayer support.  Again, if someone can tell me why
Stunts was so much more popular over Stunt Driver, please do so :-P
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