Karl Kuras wrote:
> > In what way?  Is the filter not implemented yet?
> Sound on the emulators is still somewhat buggy... usually not as crisp.  The
> Amiga sound hardware was VERY complex and makes emulation extremely
> difficult.

It wasn't that complex at all -- any simple DSP-based chip is fairly
easy.  Reprogrammable DSPs are about the only thing that is truly
difficult to emulate.  

About the only thing I'd say is difficult for emulators to emulate about
the Amiga hardware is that trick of producing "14-bit" sound by playing
2 channels at the same time with different sample data with one channel
delayed by half a sample.  As for "crisp", maybe they boot up with the
filter turned on ;-)
> > And just because your TV is bigger than your monitor doesn't mean you
> > can't play VGA games on it ;-)
> You have to remember that the Amiga was meant for play on RGB monitors,
> which like TV's allow for a bluring of the pixels on screen.  When played
> through an emulator on a conventional monitor, the images quite often seem
> pretty blocky, but when viewed on a good tv (or better yet an RGB monitor)
> the picture looks much better.  Same thing goes for game consoles (I love
> hooking up PSX to my old Amiga monitors... looks great!)

This is a matter of preference -- for example, the only thing that looks
better on older RGB monitors are games with low resolution (320x256 and
lower).  In those cases, I agree the old RGB monitors look good.  But a
TV also has the same blurring effect.

Someday I'll actually get the www.demodvd.org project completed, and
I'll put a full dissertation on it on how difficult it is to capture
NTSC video from computers *and* get it to look "as good as people
remember it".

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