Jim Leonard boldly stated:
>Check this out:
>Here's a discussion:  Would he have made more money for those items had he
>posted each system/platform seperately?  (Meaning, all the 2600 stuff in one
>auction, the 5200 stuff in another, the Intellivision in a third, etc.)?  I'm
>curious what you guys think.

It's hard to say.  No doubt, if he'd split it up by platform he'd have
had more people able and willing to bid.  OTOH, it looks like a few of
his systems are pretty sparse as far as having games, so they wouldn't
go for much on their own (e.g. his two Atari 8-bits).  All I can say
is that if it were me, I wouldn't have sold it as one huge lot.

Lee K. Seitz  *  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  *  http://home.hiwaay.net/~lkseitz/

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