Jim Leonard boldly stated:
>A nice summary: http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=2014906450

So now I don't have to break it to you that the IIc+ is faster than
the IIgs. 8)  I didn't know this either!  And here I thought I was
doing well with my Laser 128EX at 3 MHz.  It *really* made a
difference when running AppleWorks, but I had to reboot at normal
speed any time I wanted to play an action game.  Come to think of it,
it made a difference in the wait time for the computer to move in
Ogre.  (But then the sounds were three time faster, too.)  Speaking of
Ogre . . . .

Have many of you played this game on the computer?  It's based on the
table top strategy game by Steve Jackson Games.  I bought it new for
my Apple II back in the day.  It's *hard* to beat the computer as the
Ogre tank.  I'm not sure I ever beat the larger tank (Mark V?).  It
was rare I could beat the smaller one (Mark III?).  Anyone else have
an experiences to share about this game?  (I'd be happy for just a
"me, too" on failing to beat the computer.)

Lee K. Seitz  *  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  *  http://home.hiwaay.net/~lkseitz/

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