Since several of you have asked, here is the eBay searches script.  I've
added comment notes for how to customize it for your own use.  If your ISP
does not have PHP, you will not be able to use this, though it shouldn't be
too hard to customize for Perl or any other web scripting language.

Due to eBay's max of 100 search results per page, any results beyond that
will be left out.  For best results, make your searches as specific as
possible.  (Remember, you're no longer limited to eBay's 20 saved.)  The
more searches you do, the longer the script will run.  I feed it about 60
complex searches, and it takes 2 - 3 minutes before displaying anything.
This is normal.  If there are no matches, nothing will be printed, not even
a "no matches found".  Occasionally it may print the search header but
nothing else.  This happens when the only auction(s) matching that search
already matched a previous one (it filters out duplicates so you don't have
to look at the same auction twice, but prints the search header at the start
of the loop).

Please note that I am not looking to officially support this script in any
capacity: If you modify it, or if eBay changes the layout of their HTML
search results, you will be on your own.

Have fun!

Attachment: ebaysearches.php
Description: Binary data

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