First of all aeromono at ebay, here is what they did to me, FYI all I asked from them was a partial $5-10 refund for damage, this is the fraud statement I filed with ebay.

"When I won this game I sent the money via paypal. Since the value is determined by condition (collectable) I nicely asked that they package in an outer box with padding (see paypal statement) and paid for postal insurance. They sent the game in an envelope, it got crushed. Not only that they did not take the postal insurance I paid for, they just kept the money. They did offer a refund if I sent the game back but AT MY EXPENSE, it would have cost me $6-7 to ship it back along with an hour to package up, drive to the PO, wait in line etc etc, UNACCEPTABLE. SInce the item was damaged I ended up using it for parts. Not only that the idiot left me an undeserved negative feedback even though I left them a positive :( Here is bottom line.

They got full price of game.
They stole the money I paid for insurance.
They got a positive feedback from me.

I got a crushed game
I am out the money I paid for insurance.
I got an undeserved negative feedback, I was always polite and understanding in my emails to them.
I am out hours of time spent trying to straighten this out.

This person is a BAD SELLER, as long as everything goes smoothly I guess they are ok. But when there is a problem they handle it like a jerk, in this case the problems were all caused by errors on their part. If you check their feedback you will notice they have had this problem before."

Next is a total asshole scammer ripoff shameless liar named Josh Eckenrode, here is what happened with him:

Guy contacts me through ebay asking if I want to buy a game. Sends me his webpage where I see some stuff I can use. I send a list of items he has listed that I would like. He gets back to me in a few days saying this is what he has left. We haggle a bit and finally agree on a deal. I ask if he wants check or paypal, he says check so I mail on the 8th of May (I pay for shipping,insurance and delivery confirmation). Hear nothing from him for a week so I write and ask what is up. He says got check "last nite" (riiight) and would have stuff ready to go in 2-3 days. 4 days go by I hear nothing so I write again. He says stuff will be mailed in two more days. Two days later I write and ask for my tracking number. He tells me some stuff was "missing", 5 manuals then lists six missing. I tell him to cancel the order, I would like my money back. He says it was already mailed. So I ask for tracking number. He says he left on desk at work and would be out of town for a day, would send Saturday nite. He contacts me Sat nite and does not mention track number so I ask for it. He says he got side tracked, here it is. I check number it is not listed at USPS. At this point I check his ebay refs and do a Google search (yeah should have done that before). At least 2 ebay accts, one suspended and both with large percent of neg feedback. And google search of newsgroups show he has been posted as bad trader numerous times. So Sunday morning I stop payment on check and tell him if he actually sent package I will pay him minus the stop payment fees. Package does show up, he did NOT mail when he said (Wed) mailed Sat. (did not want to make refund after he told me items were missing when I asked earlier in week, that is why he lied about mailing date).  And package is not only missing the six manuals he listed it is missing 9 more and 10 nintendo sleeves I ordered. He starts threatening me saying his "wife" is a lawyer blah blah. I send him paypal for items recieved minus bank fee. He says I need to send all items back to him. I say fine, first you send me what I have spent so far plus shipping, you send first, MO or cash only. He says keep 'em and calls me an expletive. TOTAL ASSHOLE LIAR SCAMMER, DO NOT DEAL WITH THIS PERSON. If you do, get your items BEFORE YOU PAY, request COD or whatever, if you don't you won't get what you pay for if anything at all. Here is his name, address and email addys I know of.

Josh Eckenrode
5694 w tom parham rd
oxford nc 


He has ebay IDs under both email addys listed above. He has HUGE amount of
paypal transactions so I'm guessing he contacts a lot of people through their
ebay accts and tries to sell them items. Stay away from this liar/cheat, the really funny thing was him threatening ME after he lied and cheated his way through the deal.

I HATE scammers/bad traders, feel free to pass on this info.


Visit my web page for many games for sale/trade and screen shots of Ultima Escape from Mt. Drash,  Tom's Ultima, Infocom and RPG page

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