Welcome to the list, we're happy to have you :)
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Tuesday, January 13, 2004 9:11 AM
Subject: [SWCollect] Another visitor..

Hi everybody! J


I’m a newcomer to this list, and have just spent quite some time browsing the archives. It seems I’ve finally found home, at last, hehe.


I’m a guy from Sweden (hej Stefan ;) who have been into computer games since the early 80s. Most of my serious collecting have taken place in the past year or two though. I’ve got a preference for strategy and role-playing games, and also a burning interest in interactive fiction of any kind. My main area of interest is in the very early days, from the very beginning to about 1983-84, and my primary goal is to get an as-complete-as-possible collection of if from the first years of home computing here in Europe. Quite a task, I’ve noticed. To add to my problem, I’m also really into SSI, Avalon Hill, Infocom, and, and… Let’s just say I’m not expecting to have any pastime issues in the future.


I love to trade games with people, and if any of you are looking for stuff from Europe I’d be more than happy to receive your wantlists. I do run across the most obscure things now and then, so you never know.. I’ll try to put up a web page with my own collection and things for trade/sell, whenever I find some time to do _that_ …


Professionally I speak SQL most of the time, being a database nerd extraordinaire, crunching financial data day and night… If anybody needs assistance with databases, I might be able to give some help or hints.


Anyway, I’m really looking forwards to being on this list, and hope we’ll have some fun moments together in the future. J




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