> I think if we start by asing the CGExpo guys we can find most of this
> stuff out.  I'm sure they'll be happy to give us info, they seem like
> nice guys.

I'll get a message drafted to them this week.  Last week I had absolutely no

> For that we could do a quick poll right here.  If this event were to
> happen, and assuming a 2 day event, a Vegas venue, and stellar guest
> speakers, a) would you go? and b) how much would you be willing to pay
> for admission?

I'm one of the organizers, can I still vote?  I'd definitely go, and I'd pay
as much as $50 to get in.  (More if we get really good hotel rates.)

> PC Gamer, Electronic Games (Arnie Katz, Bill Kunkel) or CGW might be
> interested, yep.

EG has always been big supporters of CGE, I'm sure they'd help with ours

> Another idea I forgot before is T-shirts - selling T-shirts is a great
> way to make back some of the costs too.

Ok, but I know one T-shirt printer we definitely SHOULDN'T use.  B-)

> I have no trouble contacting/hunting down potential exhibitors and/or
> speakers, but obviously not until the rest is a bit clearer.

Yeah, we should do the where / when / how first.

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