On Jan 18, 2004, at 11:39 AM, Brian the Fist wrote:

Like I said, I was at CGExpo and there were maybe 200 people tops
(excluding exhibitors). Remember, these people have to come from
halfway across the country in many cases, and that is a big barrier.
Not everyone lives in southern California :) Plan small for a first time
conference, or there won't be a second.. You can always limit
attendance if you get too many applicants, but you can't do the
reverse.. In fact limited seats could encourage people to sign up and
pay early..

Another reason to go small is that packed rooms give off the impression of a busy, successful convention. Whereas large rooms partially filled give off the impression of a dying or dead convention. (Savvy grassroots political groups use this concept all the time. ;-))


Edward Franks

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