Correction -- Ali Baba was 1982.  Heracles was 83.

I don't know much about Quality Software except that they were based in
Reseda, CA.  My guess is that the rights to these games reverted back to
Stuart Smith and he sold them to EA.

Here are links to the box scans.

The Ali Baba on eBay looked like it was a folio hangar.  Mine is a thin
box (about 9" tall x 6" wide).  Standard 2-piece type box.  However,
mine is the Apple version and there is an Apple supplement in it so it
was likely for the Atari first and the one on eBay is likely the
original package.  My Heracles is the same exact type of box as my Ali,
even though it is for the Atari, but it was also a year later.  So
Quality Software probably switched to this type of box after the
original printing of Ali.  Just an educated guess.


-----Original Message-----
From: Per-Olof Karlsson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Monday, February 02, 2004 7:39 PM
Subject: RE: [SWCollect] Speaking of EA, got me thinking of Ali Baba..

Thanks Chris and Hugh, I didn't know this! Did Quality Software have
anything to do with EA later on, or? 

Hugh, if it's not too much trouble I'd love to see a picture of the

Thanks again!

-----Original Message-----
Sent: den 2 februari 2004 18:34
Subject: Re: [SWCollect] Speaking of EA, got me thinking of Ali Baba..

Sure, both games in Age of Adventure (Return of Heracles and Ali Baba)
published commercially (separately) by Quality Software in 1983
for sure 1983, have to check on Ali). I have both CIB if you need any


-----Original Message-----
From: Per-Olof Karlsson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Feb 2, 2004 12:21 AM
Subject: [SWCollect] Speaking of EA, got me thinking of Ali Baba..

Hugh Falk wrote:

When we were at EA .. <snip>

This reminds me of an old question I've never really got a good answer
You know, one of the games in Age of Adventure, the Ali Baba one - I
remember I heard a long time ago that this game was published separately
sometime in 1982-83, but I've never been able to confirm or deny that.
you or anybody on this list know anything about this? It would be nice
finally close the lid on that rumour, if possible..

- Peo

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