I watched a video game documentary on GSN (formerly the Game Show
Network) last night.  It's called "Video Game Invasion" and is hosted
by Tony Hawk.  I thought it was pretty good, considering.

There was also some coverage of computer games, mainly EA, Sierra
Online, and ID.   The formation of the former two were covered while
the latter centered on Wolfenstein and Doom.  (Why is it anytime a
documentary or history of gaming gets to Wolfenstein, they talk about
shareware like ID invented the concept?)  Featured interviewees
included Trip Hawkins and our own Mr. Romero.  Russell's Spacewar was
included in the beginning, of course.  Infocom was not mentioned,
IIRC, although Zork was (including a shot of the box front).

If you've got a couple hours to kill, it comes on again tonight at
5:00 p.m. CST.  If you like video game history as well as computer
game history, it can be worth it.  I saw some vintage video footage,
including commercials, I hadn't seen before.

I, unfortunately, messed up my recording and won't be able to try
again this evening.  If anyone else records it, any chance I can get a

Lee K. Seitz

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