> It's the cartridge version with red cover and anime cartoon art
> seen on the link in the middle:
> http://koti.mbnet.fi/psychic/_eng_games_ultima.html
> The cloth map looks just like the ones I've seen on the net, f.ex. here:
> http://vgmuseum.chaoticmonkey.com/origin/u3-map.jpg

Well, that map doesn't belong there, it's from one of the standard Origin
The MSX Cartridge version is a conversion of the NES/FC Ultima: Exodus
and has no extras beside the manual while the MSX Disk version is a
remake of the computer version. That one has indeed a cloth map, but it
should look like this:

> This is also why I'd like to find the link for the cloth map collection
> because I believe many variations were seen there.

I suppose you mean this one?

Holger Bachert / Tel

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