I don't know if it's true, but here's some info that may help.
"Hastily ..." was written by John Brunner, a well-regarded scienece fiction author, and published in 1974,  Nice bio at http://members.aol.com/tishede/brunner.htm.

Howard Feldman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
I seem to remember reading somewhere that Zork was named after a mid-70's poetry
book called 'A Hastily Thrown Together Bit of Zork'. Can't seem to find where I
read it with google. Does anyone know if this is true? Does anyone have the
book? Is it also true that only 150 copies of the book were released into
general circulation? Just wondered how 'collectible' the book is, since Ive
never seen it.

Howard Feldman, Author of The Search for Freedom
A Computer Fantasy Role-Playing Game
Visit its Homepage at http://home.golden.net/~feldman/SearchForFreedom/

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