I used to think that the best copy-protection was Rocket Ranger -- the codewheel was an integral part of moving around. Then a fellow MobyGames volunteer wrote me this:

"The best copy protection ever would be the game Murder In Venice (Amiga). The game comes with over 40 clues - including ticket stubs, paper clips, pictures, even a film roll (that you have to break open to find a clue inside!!)."

I agree, that's really cool. Anyone else have some good copy-protection schemes that they remember as being cool or clever? Here's a few more I can think of:

- Future Wars. Copy protection showed a paint-by-numbers (outline) picture and asked you what color the section that was currently flashing was. How could you tell? The picture was in full color on the back cover of the manual. :-)

- Star Control.  Codewheel was just plain funny.

Anyone else have fond memories?
Jim Leonard ([EMAIL PROTECTED])                    http://www.oldskool.org/
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