Hi there,

I'm currently new to swfmill, and use it for my new devs.

I need to use MM Components, and it's skinning features, and for that I'm creating an SWF in the Flash IDE, containing 4 clips in its library, each of it having a linkage ID. Those are the 4 available status of a button (falseUpSkin, falseDownSkin, falseOverSkin and falseDisabledSkin). Those clips are using the new "9-slice scale" feature.

When compiling with MTASC from a "IDE-generated" SWF, everything's is OK when resizing a button using those clips, but when the base SWF is generated using swfmill, the skins are scaled, taking no account of the 9-slice... :'(

Here is the XML I'm currently using:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1" ?>
<movie version="8" width="500" height="500" framerate="25">
 <background color="#ffffff"/>
         <clip import="library/defaultButton.swf" />
         <clip id="talki" import="library/talki.png" />
         <component id="Button" file="library/macromedia/Button.swf" />

You'll find attached to this mail a screenshot of my library (linkage IDs are the same that item's name)

Is the "clip" tag the one that must be used, or am I misunderstanding something? Or is it simply that this feature isn't available in swfmill?

Thanks by advance!


PNG image

fn:Alexandre LEGOUT
adr;quoted-printable:Avenue Evariste Galois ;;Emerald Square - B=C3=A2t B;Biot - Sophia Antipolis;;06410;France
email;internet:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
title:Flash expert
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