I apologise in advance if you guys already know this, but swfmill does not seem to like named colour descriptions in SVG, or at least some of them. I have tried converting svg's into swf asset libraries. Some of them - even quite simple ones - have entries in the style attribute such as fill:black. swfmill gets the shapes right but generally changes colours to something arbitrary like lime green (or maybe it does not define them at all and the player makes a substitution, anyway...). if I edit the svg by hand and change fill:black to fill:#000000 it works. Initial investigation suggests this affects fill: and stroke: CSS attributes but i have not analysed the problem extensively.
This is relevant because I think the latest release of inkscape (0.44) has started using named colours extensively when writing svg.
Can get around my current problems with textual substitution for now. I guess the 147 named svg colours could be added to the XSLT sometime as a more reliable alternative.
Rob Burbidge
ps for USA readers s/colour/color/g
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