hi all,

after nearly ten months without a new proper release, i think it's about time 
for an official release, so that people that dont know about prereleases also 
profit from the whole bunch of fixes that Steve and I 've put into swfmill 
during that time.

as there has been some substantial fiddling, and we're still lacking a proper 
test harness, i'd like to ask all of you to get this prerelease even if it 
doesn't feature anything you personally crave for, and run your current 
projects thru it to see if we have any regressions.. i'd like to release 0.2.12 
around august 1st, so you have all weekend to test :)

get the prerelease here:

and please make sure to let us know about any problems. if it runs any kind of 
larger project just fine, i'd also like to know that..


PS: in the process, is anyone interested to help with the following:
 * documentation should be revised, it's lacking!
 * a proper, formalized test infrastructure should be set up - anyone?


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