Hi all,

After some tests and some mails with Eric ( aka erixtekila ), the new Flash 8 meta seems not working properly.

I compile a first swf with the Flash IDE ( v8 ) and open swf result with ActionScriptViewer to see content.
Great...SWF Meta is ok ! ( not surprise ^^ )

Now I compile a swf with OS tools ( as2ant / mtasc / swfmill 0.2.11-18 )
This is my as2ant task :
<target name="Build" description="Builds application">
        src="" Main.as"
                    <movie  width="800" height="600" framerate="31" version="8" >
                        <meta title="myTitle" description="informations" />
                        <FileAttributes hasMetaData="1" useNetwork="network" />
                            <textfield id="_title" width="0" height="0" size="2" font="verdana" text="test" />

I open result in ActionScriptViewer and......SWF meta is incorrect, this is the error message :
-- XML parse error
-- Reference to undeclared namespace prefix : 'rdf'.

Error occured when I try a swf2xml too :
-- namespace error : Namespace prefix rdf on RDF is not defined
-- <rdf:RDF><rdf:Description/></rdf:RDF>
-- namespace error : Namespace prefix rdf on Description is not defined

This is erixtekila point of view :
1. When define <FileAttributes hasMetaData="1" useNetwork="network"/> seems that default one is not overwrite.

2. rdf syntax seems to not be correct, namespace is not declared
<rdf:RDF xmlns:rdf=" http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#
xmlns:contact=" http://www.w3.org/2000/10/swap/pim/contact#">

3. description is not added at all

I add a small question ( not a problem ;) ), as meta is in rdf format, can we add rdf tag like 'author', 'date', 'publisher', 'Rights managment'... ? is it planned ? or is it a serach engine limitation for flash content ?


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