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hello to this list im martin from berlin developing with flash/mtasc
and php since 5 years.

now i ran into a probem wich could not solve by myself. dos anyone
have a hint how to do efficient mass conversion of svg/ps files into
swf files or even better an swf animation

im planning something like this:

1. render an 3d animation (100's of images)
2. use potrace/autotrace to batch conbert them to svg/ps  (the direct
swf export of autotrace sucks)
3. batch convert the svg/ps files to swf files
4. use swfmill to compose the swf files into one swf-animation

the 3. step is problematic because there are no good command line
tools available, at least i don't know them.
there is a python svg2swf script available but the script is outdated
an does rely on the ming libary wich has to be compiled by hand in
embedded in python i would go that way if thats the only solution but
i fear that would mean a lot of work (patching). i cant use a vector
renderer because of some special features i need ( mattte materials ).

QUESTION: does anyone on this list has a hint for me wich other
command line tools could be helpful. on the long run it would be
really cool if swfmill could convert and embed svg content as a mc.

i use both windows and linux. linux tools would be cool because of the
powerfull shell scripting but windows would make it possible to
include the tool into the eclipse/ant build process on my (win)
development machine. so i take what i get.

regards Martin

- - http://robla.net/1996/svg2swf/
- - http://ming.sourceforge.net/
- - http://potrace.sourceforge.net/ (ps, and svg vectorizing)
- - http://autotrace.sourceforge.net/ ( the swf option creates shape
errors )

- --
Martin Ficzel, Dipl.Ing.Architektur(FH)   a   r   T   e  c      _____
Entwicklung, Visualisierung, Grafik,      visual solutions     / |  /|
[EMAIL PROTECTED]                                       | /  | /
Fon: 030 / 884684-0 | Fax: 030 / 884684-15                    |/___|/

Gottfried-von-Cramm-Weg 35-37 | D-14193 | http://www.artec-berlin.de
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