My problem seems to be in the way I am "mtasc"ing and "swmill"ing the 
application. If you'll indulge me:

I am taking a PDF file and running it through swftools's pdf2swf program. This 
is creating a 12 frame SWF file from my test pdf.
I am then trying to use MTASC and SWFMILL to create a SWF file that I can 
control via the ocx to print each page (actually I want to be able to print the 
first page, ask the user if it printed correctly and if so, print the remainder 
of the document. (In my example, pages 2 thru 12).

The SWF file that is being created (after MTASC and SWFMILL) consists of ONE 
frame i.e. Flash.totalFrames = 1 (where as if I use the original file from the 
pdf2swf program I get the actual 12 frames.

I'm guessing I don't understand what I'm doing (which I don't) to build this 
application correctly.

Why did I go from a 12 frame SWF to a single frame SWF?

I hope this explains my problem and I also hope that someone has the time to 
give a newbee a hand.


My three files are as follows:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1"?>

<movie version="8" width="240" height="170" framerate="30">
 <background color="#ffffff"/>
 <clip import="build/classes.swf" />
   <clip id="Application" class="Application" />
   <clip id="Project" class="Project" import="src/library/test.swf" />
  <place id="Application" name="app" x="0" y="0" depth="1000" />
class Application extends MovieClip {
 function onLoad (){
  attachMovie ("Project", "project", 1000);
import flash.external.ExternalInterface;

class Project extends MovieClip {
 var dateField:TextField;

 function Project(){
  dateField.text = "";
   ExternalInterface.addCallback("setDate", this, callMe);
   ExternalInterface.addCallback("doPrint", this, DoPrint);

 function setDate(value) {
  dateField.text = value;
 function onLoad(){"Ready");

 function DoPrint(){

build command batch file ( Note: %1 = c:\devel\flash\test\ )
@echo off
rem Set "loc" to the Path of the file (i.e. c:\devel\flash\test\)
set loc=%~p1

rem Set "name" to the Name of the file (i.e.
set name=%~n1%~x1

rem define the location(s) of the MTASC library directories
set base=c:\devel\flash\std
set base8=c:\devel\flash\std8

mtasc -version 8 -swf classes.swf -header 1:1:30 -cp %loc% -cp %base% -cp 
%base8% %1

swfmill simple %loc%application.xml %loc%final.swf
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