Hello, List

I experienced a I18N problem of swfmill-0.2.12. Let me report it.

I make this <movie> XML file. Please note the imported files have name in
"non latin" characters.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<movie width="400" height="300" framerate="12">
    <background color="#00CCFF"/>
            <clip id="logo" import="./ロゴ.swf"/>
            <clip id="picture" import="./くま.jpg"/>
        <place id="logo" name="logoHere" x="10" y="10" depth="1"/>
        <place id="picture" name="pictureHere" x="10" y="100" depth="2"/>

Swfmill fails to process this because it can not open the files to be
imported. Console message are as follows:
     [exec] swfmill 0.2.12
     [exec] Reading from container.i18n.xml
     [exec] ERROR: input is no SWF
     [exec] no SWF loaded to save
     [exec] runtime error: element apply-templates
     [exec] swft:document() : could not parse SWF './'

I read the source code and found the reason why this I18N problem occurs.
In swfmill-0.2.12/src/swft/swft.cpp , #155 line

unsigned char *swft_get_filename( xmlChar *filenameUTF ) {
      int l = strlen((const char*)filenameUTF);
      int l2 = l;
      unsigned char *filename = (unsigned char *)malloc(l+1);
      UTF8Toisolat1( filename, &l2, filenameUTF, &l );     //Oh! My
      filename[l2] = 0;
      return filename;

It seems that the swfmill-0.2.12 can import the external swf/jpg resources
only when those files are named in Latin-1 characters. It fails to open any
external files named in characters of my national language (Japanese, in my

Well, that all what I have found until now. I will continue thinking about

Anyone has idea what to do next?


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