Hello Huub,
several people had problems building the svn version recently. Some of
this problems were caused by a missing ChangeLog file. I've just fixed
this in svn. When this doesn't solve your problems you should provide
the error messages generated by autogen.sh.


> Hello Ralf
> Sorry for not responding any earlier; I've been busy and lacked the energy 
> to dig into this. I seemed to have trouble building your patched swfmill but 
> today it turns out that I cannot even build the plain swfmill svn.
> The autogen.sh script spits out a few warnings and error messages and that's 
> it.
> I'm not familiar with building stuff from svn, so I might be making some 
> rather obvious mistakes here.
> What version of which tools should I be using?
> regards Huub

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