This one has definitely happened before :), but I have yet to found a
satisfactory answer on either swfmill and haxe mailing lists, so I'm
posting to both.

I'm trying to construct a MovieClip consisting of 3 frames with swfmill and
import it to haxe, using Flash9 API.

assets.xml :


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1" ?>
<movie version="8" width="800" height="600" framerate="24">
       <background color="#ffffff"/>
               <clip id="Frame1" import="1.png"/>
               <clip id="Frame2" import="2.png"/>
               <clip id="Frame3" import="3.png"/>
                       <clip id="TestClip">
                                       <place id="Frame1"/>
                                       <place id="Frame2"/>
                                       <place id="Frame3"/>


(NOTE that changing movie version from 9 to 8 makes absolutely no difference
- the exact same error appears)

Test.hx :

1: import flash.display.MovieClip;
3: class TestClip extends flash.display.MovieClip {}
5: class Test extends flash.display.MovieClip {
7:      private var testclip: TestClip;
9:      public function new() {
10:             super();
12:             testclip=new TestClip();
13:             addChild(testclip);
14:     }
16:     public static function main() {
17:             var test = new Test();
18:             var parent = flash.Lib.current;
19:             parent.addChild(test);
20:     }
21: }

swfmill -v simple assets.xml assets.swf

Reading from assets.xml
Importing PNG: '1.png' (24 bit/pixel)
Importing PNG: '2.png' (24 bit/pixel)
Importing PNG: '3.png' (24 bit/pixel)
Writing SWF to assets.swf
SWF saved to assets.swf (4789 bytes).

haxe -swf test.swf -main Test -swf-version 9 -swf-lib assets.swf -debug

(haxe version 1.13. I also tried the haxe --flash-strict and 
options, with no difference).

flashplayer test.swf :

An ActionScript error has occured :
ReferenceError: Error #1056: Cannot create property on TestClip
       at flash.display::Sprite/flash.display:Sprite::constructChildren()
       at flash.display::Sprite$iinit()
       at flash.display::MovieClip$iinit()
       at TestClip$iinit()[./Test.hx:3]
       at Test$iinit()[./Test.hx:12]
       at Test$/main()[./Test.hx:17]
       at MethodInfo-55()
       at Boot_DA61EA$iinit()[/usr/local/haxe/std/flash9/Boot.hx:59]

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