OK, I made a half-proper version for your testing pleasure:

The usage has changed:

$ swfmillsvglibtool
swfmillsvglibtool is a primitive tool to help you with preparing an SVG file
for Swfmill import, to be used with haXe for SWF9.

version 0.0.1


swfmillsvglibtool <infile.svg> <outdir>

will create the following files in <outdir>:
 <infile>_clean.svg with all IDs modified to be usable as class names
 <Infile>.hx with all the class definitions, with the main class called <Infile>
 <infile>.swfml to convert with swfmill simple, with the asset called <Infile>

you can send bug reports/fixes to [EMAIL PROTECTED] if you like, and you
might find the latest version and sources at
this tool doesn't handle any errors. use at your own risk -- good luck.


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