Hi there - swfmill is a great tool but today using it I realized that it 
has a serious bug. I've made an example of that bug.
I have a movie clip that has a filter (blur) and that movie clip is 
moving using motion tween.
When I import that movie clip and create a swf using swfmill the movie 
clip doesn't have a filter anymore and it doesn't move.
If I delete filter in flash - it's working fine. It also works if I 
apply filter to that movie clip using ActionsScript istead of Flash IDE.
SWF's that I use with swfmill is prepared by graphic and I don't want to 
force him to use ActionScript instead of Flash IDE functionality. And 
it's a lot harder to tween filters using AS too - he's not a programmer.

Here are some files that shows the problem:
* source file : http://shwsite.org/outside/swfmill/filtry.fla
* result of that file : http://shwsite.org/outside/swfmill/filtry.swf
* swfmill XML file : http://shwsite.org/outside/swfmill/swf.xml
* result of swfmill : http://shwsite.org/outside/swfmill/wynik.swf

I'm using the latest swfmill release for Windows (

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