Hello Daniel & all,

  I've spent 3 days recently to compile swfmill for windows, and I can
  do it reliably now I think. The only problem is that it makes a 13mb
  binary (and requiring libiconv-2.dll).. I can maybe even set up an
  automatic builder, but first someone needs to point me how to shrink
  the binary to a reasonable size - I am not sure my way is optimal. I
  was using MSYS/MinGW chain.


DF> quoting "Zárate" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
>> What about SWFMill 0.4??

DF> 0.3 is first ;)

DF> for me, i wouldn't mind just promoting the current SVN to 0.3, to
DF> communicate the steps and stability improvement it made recently.

DF> thing is, my compile-to-windows setup broke and is not easily
DF> recreatable. also, the OSX machine i've been using to make the mac
DF> versions doesn't exist any more.

DF> so. swfmill surely needs a release. but first, it needs a maintainer to
DF> coordinate compiles for the three platforms.

DF> -dan

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