Because the sounds are triggered in your sprites, and are thus local
to your sprites, and not to the main movie?
As a result all you are doing is overlayering the same sounds on top
of one another, raher than actually stopping

Try giving this a quick read..



2009/11/19 Matthew Morgan <>:
> I created an animation that is supposed to simulate an ekg.  It's not the
> best, but it's just for a little church play so it doesn't have to be.  It
> starts out with a normal pattern and beeps at every crest.  On key press, it
> goes to a flat line.  After another keypress, it's supposed to stop.
> I created the sound for the flat line by using Audacity to generate a sine
> wave.  I tried making it short and looping it, but this makes an annoying
> pulse at every loop iteration.  To fix that, I just made the sound
> longer...60 seconds I think.  The problem is, I can't get it to stop.  I've
> tried stopAllSounds(),, and several other
> things I found on the net, but it just won't work.  The image goes away just
> like it should after a call to movie.unloadMovie(), but no matter what sound
> stop command I've tried the sound continues to play.
> What's the prescribed way for doing this?  I've attached the .sc file so you
> can see what I'm doing.
> .flash filename="ekg.swf" bbox=327x127 fps=60
>        .png ekgLine     "ekg_line.png"
>        .png ekgMask     "ekg_mask.png"
>        .png ekgFlatLine "ekg_flat_line.png"
>        .sound ekgBeep "beep.wav"
>        .sound flatLineBeep "flat_line.wav"
>        .sprite ekgGoodSprite
>                .put line1=ekgLine x=0 y=0
>                .put line2=ekgLine x=109 y=0
>                .put line3=ekgLine x=218 y=0
>                .put ekgMask x=0 y=0
>                .frame 50
>                .change ekgMask x=24
>                .play ekgBeep
>                .frame 250
>                .change ekgMask x=140
>                .play ekgBeep
>                .frame 430
>                .play ekgBeep
>                .frame 550
>                .change ekgMask x=317
>        .end
>        .sprite ekgFlatLineSprite
>                .put ekgFlatLine x=0 y=55
>                .play flatLineBeep loop=-1 nomultiple
>        .end
>    .action:
>        _root.attachMovie("ekgGoodSprite","ekgGoodMovie",2);
>        videoStage = 0;
>        keyListener = new Object();
>        keyListener.onKeyDown = function(){
>            if(videoStage == 0)
>            {
>                ekgGoodMovie.unloadMovie();
>                _root.attachMovie("ekgFlatLineSprite", "ekgFlatLineMovie",
> 2);
>                videoStage++;
>            }else if(videoStage == 1)
>            {
>     ;
>                ekgFlatLineMovie.unloadMovie();
>                videoStage++;
>            }
>        };
>        Key.addListener(keyListener);
>    .end
> .end

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