Hi again. This problem is still a bit of a problem because the poly2bitmap
makes some vector images really pixely. Do you have an idea how to fix it?
On other systems like windows and ubuntu linux it works fine with the same
++Tim Hinnerk Heuer++


2009/11/21 Matthias Kramm <matth...@scribd.com>

> On Sat, Nov 21, 2009 at 11:09:55AM +1300, German Geek <geek...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
> > Thanks for the reply! I tried it with
> > pdf2swf -s bitmap
> > and it worked. But it gives me a raster image in the swf where the fonts
> are
> > not stored as vectors or fonts. Do you have any other ideas?
> pdf2swf -s poly2bitmap
> Matthias

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