
>On 13 July 2010 16:48, Russell Lyons <> wrote:
> Let me answer the various questions in order.

>> Do you really have to combine your soundtrack ( wav/mp3 ) and the video
>> swf into one large file??   Would it not be better to load/stream/control
>> them independently?  Might make life a whole lot easier.
> I would like to combine them in order to then create other formats (such
> as flv). However, that is not necessary. I don't know how to control
> playback of both sound and video simultaneously.

flv playback is not straightforward.  You'll need the Adobe flv component.
Would it not be better to take advantage of some of the Open source
players out there, and simply embed them?

>> You can't mix frame rates in the root movie.   Master takes precedence.
> I don't think I tried to. There was only 1 frame rate (only 1 video).

I was referring to swf combination with swfcombine.

> You can see what I made at
> with explanations and
> other formats at
> I did not use swftools for any of this, though I'd like to.

Very unteresting.  For which bit do you wish to use it?

> Concerning the buttons sc file that Iosif sent, I tried to compile it

Sorry, I didn't look at it.  You'll have to ask Iosef what he did.

If you want to have a play with some musings on sound playback
with swfc, here you go,

A tad old now, but the as2/swf/mp3 files are there for you to
experiment with.

> Finally, I don't know ActionScript, so wouldn't know how to use
> attachSound.

Practice? ;o)   Take a look at the examples mentioned above.  I've
loaded the sounds in several ways.  loadSound is probably better
choice, since you can then choose to stream.

If you can do sound, you can do video.   Streaming an swf or two
inside another is pretty straightforward.

Let us know how you get on.



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