Trouble when gfx rendering a protected PDF file.  Application exits.

Hello All,

The following snippet from my Python app works perfectly - until a protected
.PDF file is encountered - The application exits and I can't seem to find an 
that covers it.  Also is the snippet from the Idle Shell :

         doc ="pdf", ComnPDF) 

         text = gfx.PlainText()
        # gfx.setparameter("zoom", "400")
        # text = gfx.OCR()

         for pagenr in range(1,doc.pages+1):
          page = doc.getPage(pagenr)
          text.startpage(page.width, page.height)
         f = open("G:/MovableIdle-Python-2.5/document_fulltext.txt", 'r')

         CurrentText =

         LengthBytes = len(CurrentText)

        except socket.timeout:
         print "PDF Socket timeout error"
        except ValueError:
         print "PDF Value error"
        except TypeError:
         print "PDF TypeError error"
        except Exception:
         print "gfx open exception" 
        except IOError:
         print "PDF IO error"
        except SystemExit:
         print "system Exit exception"
         print "PDF unexpected error:", sys.exc_info()[0]

Here's from my Python IDLE:

Current URL:

Length Current URL: 39087 bytes

{'confidence': 1.0, 'encoding': 'ascii'}

ISO-8559-X still under construction

Number matches latin-1 count: later:  2 later ENGLISH: en
Number matches latin-1 count: school:  31 school ENGLISH: en
Number matches latin-1 count: start:  22 start ENGLISH: en
Number matches latin-1 count: time:  26 time ENGLISH: en
Number matches latin-1 count: increased:  3 increased ENGLISH: en
Number matches latin-1 count: health:  11 health ENGLISH: en
Number matches latin-1 count: alert:  7 alert ENGLISH: en
Number matches latin-1 count: sleep:  14 sleep ENGLISH: en
Number matches latin-1 count: accident:  3 accident ENGLISH: en
Number matches latin-1 count: rate:  8 rate ENGLISH: en
Number matches latin-1 count: better:  4 better ENGLISH: en
Number matches latin-1 count: grades:  4 grades ENGLISH: en
Number matches latin-1 count: reference:  1 reference ENGLISH: en
Number matches latin-1 count: rates:  4 rates ENGLISH: en
Number matches latin-1 count: adolescent:  3 adolescent ENGLISH: en

Current run time: 883 seconds

Start scan key press to halt processing for: 1 seconds
End scan key press to halt processing.

Current URL:

>>> ================================ RESTART ================================


Joel S.


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