but there's no indication that some error hapenned, and it's generating a
gfx.o and a gfx.bundle, but no gfx.so
here's the python integration output:

I tried do generate gfx.so myself this way:

gcc -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -g gfx.o -shared -o gfx.so ../libgfxpdf.a
../libgfxswf.a  ../librfxswf.a ../libgfx.a ../libocr.a ../libbase.a
-lpython2.6 -L/sw/lib -L/opt/local/lib -L/usr/local/lib -lmp3lame -ljpeg -lz
-lm  -L/opt/local/lib -lfreetype -lz -lstdc++

and now when I run my Python/Django Project it says: Error was:
2): no suitable image found. Did find:

mach-o, but wrong architecture

I guess it has to do with the fact I'm running a 32 bit version of Python (I
got a lot of problems with Python 64 bits on Mac OS)

Any suggestion?

2010/7/12 jean-michel.voicechat_fan <jeanmichel.g...@free.fr>

> if gfx.so is not generated you must have one error
> Daniel França a écrit :
>  Hi,
>> I'm trying compile swftools for mac, to work together with a python/django
>> website.
>> It was working fine in Linux, but in Mac I can't get it working =/
>> I'm trying to generate gfx.so to copy to python packages and use it, but I
>> can`'t do that generate gfx.so
>> I'm compiling step by step, but no luck (The same steps I usually do in
>> Linux)
>> ./configure && make && make install
>> it seems to work fine, but no gfx.so is created.
>> If I try to compile using *python build install *I get the error:
>> Traceback (most recent call last):
>>  File "setup.py", line 4, in <module>
>>    from distutils.core import CompileError
>> I'm using Python 2.7
>> Best Regards,
>> Daniel França

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