No actually now I have to convert images from swfrender from png to jpg.. as
the png images where around 400kb while the jpg compression is only around

Open up photoshop and do save for web it's easy to see the different file
sizes between jpg / png and gif. Png does have better quality because it is
a lossless format while jpg uses a lossy format.

On Mon, Aug 30, 2010 at 9:22 PM, Sameer Atre <>wrote:

>  Are you sure Chris ..?
> I always thought  that PNG was  the natural choice of use while introducing
> images into flash  than JPEG or GIF simply because  PNG offers more
> compression with least loss in quality. And of course like you said  it also
> supports transparency.
> On 30/08/2010 12:44, Sameer Atre wrote:
> then what else could be the reason for this :
> *    [015]    691055 DEFINEBITSJPEG2 defines id 0003
> **    [014]    150636 DEFINEBITSLOSSLESS defines id 0003 image 1272x2092
> (8 bpp)*
> *
> *
> On 30/08/2010 12:40, Chris de Kok wrote:
> I doubt it as jpg are mostly much smaller then png only they disadvantage
> is that they don't have transparency.
> On Mon, Aug 30, 2010 at 1:55 PM, Sameer Atre <>wrote:
>>  Another interesting observation here is  :
>> 1. Took the page  converted by the previous version and compared it with
>> the newer one using *swfextract* and then *swfdump*.
>> 2. It seems that the older one used to store image content as a PNG while
>> now the preferred choice is JPEG.
>>     *New
>>      [-i] 3 Shapes: ID(s) 1, 2, 4
>>      [-j] 1 JPEG: ID(s) 3
>>      [-f] 1 Frame: ID(s) 0
>> *
>>     *Old
>>      [-i] 3 Shapes: ID(s) 1, 2, 4
>>      [-p] 1 PNG: ID(s) 3
>>      [-f] 1 Frame: ID(s) 0
>> *3. Dump from swfdump
>>     *New*
>>     *[HEADER]        File version: 9
>>     [HEADER]        File is zlib compressed. Ratio: 95%
>>     [HEADER]        File size: 691240
>>     [HEADER]        Frame rate: 0.250000
>>     [HEADER]        Frame count: 1
>>     [HEADER]        Movie width: 610.00
>>     [HEADER]        Movie height: 1004.00
>>     [045]         4 FILEATTRIBUTES usenetwork as3
>>     [009]         3 SETBACKGROUNDCOLOR (ff/ff/ff)
>>     [020]        34 DEFINESHAPE3 defines id 0001
>>     [01a]         7 PLACEOBJECT2 places id 0001 at depth 0001 (clip to
>> 0003)
>>     [020]        40 DEFINESHAPE3 defines id 0002
>>     [01a]         5 PLACEOBJECT2 places id 0002 at depth 0002
>>     [015]    691055 DEFINEBITSJPEG2 defines id 0003
>>     [002]        40 DEFINESHAPE defines id 0004
>>     [01a]         5 PLACEOBJECT2 places id 0004 at depth 0003
>>     [001]         0 SHOWFRAME 1 (00:00:00,000)
>>     [000]         0 END*
>>     *Old *
>>     *[HEADER]        File version: 9
>>     [HEADER]        File is zlib compressed. Ratio: 98%
>>     [HEADER]        File size: 150826
>>     [HEADER]        Frame rate: 0.250000
>>     [HEADER]        Frame count: 1
>>     [HEADER]        Movie width: 610.00
>>     [HEADER]        Movie height: 1004.00
>>     [309]         3 REFLEX
>>     [045]         4 FILEATTRIBUTES
>>     [009]         3 SETBACKGROUNDCOLOR (ff/ff/ff)
>>     [020]        34 DEFINESHAPE3 defines id 0001
>>     [01a]         7 PLACEOBJECT2 places id 0001 at depth 0001 (clip to
>> 0003)
>>     [020]        40 DEFINESHAPE3 defines id 0002
>>     [01a]         5 PLACEOBJECT2 places id 0002 at depth 0002
>>     [014]    150636 DEFINEBITSLOSSLESS defines id 0003 image 1272x2092 (8
>> bpp)
>>     [002]        40 DEFINESHAPE defines id 0004
>>     [01a]         5 PLACEOBJECT2 places id 0004 at depth 0003
>>     [001]         0 SHOWFRAME 1 (00:00:00,000)
>>     [000]         0 END*
>> 4. Could this be the reason for the size bloat (as PNG has a better
>> compression ratio compared to JPEG.) ?
>> 5. As size of swf goes up  there is substantial cost increase in terms of
>> storage and time (time required to transmit and render these large sized
>> pages onto a browser)
>>     and this leads to overall lower performance in my opinion.
>> 6. I was wondering about the reason behind using jpeg as the choice of
>> storing image content instead of png.
>> 7. Is there a way of forcing pdf2swf to use png in place of jpeg ..?
>> Thnx,
>> Sameer
>> On 26/08/2010 11:04, Sameer Atre wrote:
>> Done - it worked !
>> Tried out with subpixels=1 and subpixels=2.
>> I found subpixels to be most effective; swf size came down from 3MB to about 
>> 700KB and rendering quality was preserved.
>> With subpixels 1 the size went down drastically to 200KB but quality 
>> deteriorated .
>> Cheers,
>> Sam
>> On Mon, Aug 23, 2010 at 04:55:05PM +0530, Sameer Atre <addr...@hidden> wrote:
>> >* I've been a vivid user of pdf2swf since 2 - 3 years.*
>> >* After upgrading to ver. 0.9.1 I find that source pdf's with image *
>> >* content get converted into very large sized swf's.*
>> >* Eg : In one instance the same pdf that used to result in swf's of size *
>> >* 500 KB has now become 3 MB !!*
>> >* But for pdfs with text content the reverse is seen. i.e swfs have become *
>> >* smaller. Am I missing something here please ?*
>> Try downscaling the images- that might help:
>>     pdf2swf -s subpixels=1 file.pdf -o file.swf
>> Matthias

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