Hi everyone, greetings from New Zealand. Firstly to the dev team thanks for the great set of tools. I have been using PDF2SWF for a number of months to create flipping page
books from PDF files.

Now I have the issue that I want to modify a number of resultant SWF files created via the PDF2SWF process and add video or other
Flash features to them.

If I import the SWF files into Flash they are all screwed up [components missing, text wrong size etc] so that won't work. I also tried SWFCOMBINE to add video to a existing SWF: swfcombine.exe -o output.swf -T page1.swf video.swf

The problem with the above is that the video needs to be streamed and while it works fine in video.swf above it does not show up at all in the combined output.swf file. Investigation via swfdump.exe seems to indicate that the merged file created by swfcombine leaves out a lot of the video objects required.
I'm happy to post the files if that would be of assistance.

I've spent hours on this and desperately need an answer, do any of you have any bright ideas?

Thanks a lot.

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