On Wed, 22 Sep 2010 14:15:49 +0200
Gunivortus Goos <gunivortus.g...@boudicca.de> wrote:

> Hello Chris,
> >> using the pdf2swf gui for MS Windows, I've created hundreds of texts
> >> which can be viewed with the choosen built-in viewer.
> >> Now I'm rebuilding my page in Joomla 1.5 and I'm afraid, I've to do that
> >> work all over again, because I need the texts in flash now with a 
> >> transparent
> >> background.
> >> Is it possible to convert the pdf files making the background transparent?
> > Maybe this link is relevant?
> C> http://lists.nongnu.org/archive/html/swftools-common/2010-02/msg00050.html

> Not really.
> I'm using the gui and there's no option there to add the options in that link.

Sorry Guntivorius, I'd forgotten you were a Windows GUI man only. ;o)
> C> I'm not entirely sure though, *why* exactly you have to do th work all
> C> over again.
> The background color of the swf files is 'conflicting' with my Joomla
> template layout. I've also change the size of the output in the viewer.

So you'd be happy if you could just change the background colour of all
your existing swf files, without having to run them through pdf2swf again?
> Adding a parameter in the html code to display the swf in the viewer with
> a transparent background didn't work.

No it wouldn't.  An swf is entirely separate from the html in which it is



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