On Wed, 29 Sep 2010 21:46:52 +0800
oyster <lepto.pyt...@gmail.com> wrote:

> I am using the python bind to convert a pdf into pictures, and the
> code( which you can find at the end) is from
> http://www.swftools.org/gfx_tutorial.html
> for my pdf files which have Chinese characters in it, I get tons of
> messy characters on the picture. and the prompt shows the following
> msg
> I think that is about the Chinese Font, but how can I set the correct
> font in my python code? thanks in advance
> [quote msg]
> Error: Unknown font tag 'F0'
> Error: Unknown font tag 'F0'
> Error: Unknown character collection 'Adobe-GB1'
> Error: Couldn't find 'GBK-EUC-H' CMap file for 'Adobe-GB1' collection
> Error: Unknown CMap 'GBK-EUC-H' for character collection 'Adobe-GB1'
> Error: Unknown character collection 'Adobe-GB1'

The ADOBE CMAPs are missing.

The extra mappings for Xpdf can be found here,


You'll still need the fonts though.  Various download sites have them.
You also haven't said whether you're using Windows or Linux?  If the
latter, then some distributions supply Chinese/Japanese/Asian fonts as
as packages, for example,


You can also get fonts from Adobe,


One the fonts are installed, the gfx module should function correctly.
( says he confidently! :o) )




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