>On Tue, 5 Oct 2010 01:20:32 +0200
>"Eric Adriaans | Dsens" <e...@dsens.nl> wrote:

>>>> Yeah, why not use a tool that converts the wav to mp3, and then use a
>>>> flashplayer to play those? I've used JW player before, Works like a charm
> :)
>>> Think you've shot off at a slight tangent there..
>> The point of SWFTools, is that with a modicum of effort, one can easily roll
>> one's own Flash player.  Anything the JW Player can do, SWFTools can do via
>> swfc/as2/as3, etc.  Tat includes easy playback of .wav,.mp3,.swf, and .flv.
> Yeah okay, but since he was asking for more functionality like a
> progressbar, I thought I'd just make a suggestion ;) 
Nothing wrong with that.  All I was trying to say was,

- a player with a progress bar can be easily created using SWFTools.

- wav2swf is a conversion utility designed for a specific job. Since it wasn't
  meant to be an player application, why would it need a progress bar?



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