Hello all!

I encrypted a swf using Amayeta Swf Encrypt 6.0, now using swfdump I cant
get the code because this errors appears:

[HEADER]        File version: 10
[HEADER]        File is zlib compressed. Ratio: 89%
[HEADER]        File size: 5823
[HEADER]        Frame rate: 30.000000
[HEADER]        Frame count: 1
[HEADER]        Movie width: 300.00
[HEADER]        Movie height: 200.00
[045]         4 FILEATTRIBUTES usenetwork as3 symbolclass
==== Error: Unknown tag:0x0ff ====
[0ff]         1 (null)
[053]      3273 DEFINESHAPE4 defines id 65521
[01a]         6 PLACEOBJECT2 places id 65521 at depth 65525
[04d]       459 METADATA
[041]         4 SCRIPTLIMITS
[009]         3 SETBACKGROUNDCOLOR (00/00/00)
[029]        26 SERIALNUMBER
[02b]         4 FRAMELABEL "Eye"
[057]       660 DEFINEBINARY defines id 0001
[052]      1297 DOABC "frame1", lazy load
error: reference to element 2519 in array[24]
error: reference to element 1570513061 in array[24]
error: reference to element 81 in array[29]

How did they do this? Is there anyway to fix those errors?
Thank you!

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