On Tue, Nov 02, 2010 at 09:26:14PM +0100, Pablo Rodr?guez <oi...@web.de> wrote:
> .flash filename="video-slide.swf" bbox=841x545 version=7
> .swf movie "video-snippet.swf"
> .frame 1
>       .put movie
>       .stop
>       .action:
>           movie._x = (Stage.width - movie._width) / 2;
>           movie._y = (Stage.height - movie._height) / 2;
>       .end
> .frame 2
>       .del movie
> .end
> Is there a way here to prevent the loop in the embedding script?

I guess you could run a loop in the parent, telling the
child to stop after reaching the last frame:

.frame 1
  .put movie
      if(movie._currentframe == movie._totalframes) {
.frame 2

(You need two frames in the parent in order to re-execute the script)


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