> On 27 Dec 2015, at 3:09 PM, Philippe Hausler <phaus...@apple.com> wrote:
> So a few results so far from the linux side: I ran across a few compiler 
> crashes in the function metadataFromAccessorName; I need to dive a bit deeper 
> into why it is failing.
> I have a few cross platform corrections that I will be pushing shortly for 
> you.

Thanks Philippe, integrated most of these except for the changes to 
metadataFromAccessorName() – the symbol prefix was wrong and I think it’s 
better to stick with the approach of indirecting the metadata lookup through 
the accessor. Obviously if there’s a compiler issue on Linux we should fix it :)

(Hopefully I didn’t miss anything on the merge, unfortunately rebasing to 
master before merging your changes made it a bit fiddly.)

I’ve implemented but not extensively tested decodeValueOfObjCType(). Do we need 
to support NSConcreteValue?

— Luke
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