Hi there, 

I've hit an obstacle while working on a crash seen in initing a Calendar (https://bugs.swift.org/browse/SR-2551)

For the Calendar initialiser "init(identifierCalendar.Identifier)", the possible values of Calendar.Identifier are listed here. However, we eventually end up calling "_CFCalendarInitWithIdentifier(CFCalendarRef calendar, CFStringRef identifier)" and the latter works only for a specific set of calendar identifiers. See this if statement:

For other identifier values, we crash (that is SR-2551). On mac, all the identifier values are supported. It seems that the calendar identifier is ultimately encoded as a key-value pair in the locale ID for the calendar.  

Can anybody please help me understand the rationale of the if-statement above? I am new to ICU. I did search for justifications but didn't come across convincing. 


Pushkar N Kulkarni,
IBM Runtimes

Simplicity is prerequisite for reliability - Edsger W. Dijkstra

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