In my opinion, cookies should go into $XDG_DATA_HOME

But, there was an opinion sometime back, that cookies could go into a `.config` directory. So, I am wondering if $XDG_CONFIG_HOME is also a candidate here :-)

Pushkar N Kulkarni,
IBM Runtimes

Simplicity is prerequisite for reliability - Edsger W. Dijkstra

-----Mamatha Busi/India/IBM wrote: -----
To: Tony Parker <>
From: Mamatha Busi/India/IBM
Date: 02/01/2017 10:35PM
Cc: Pushkar N Kulkarni/India/IBM@IBMIN, Will Stanton <>, swift-corelibs-dev <>
Subject: Re: [swift-corelibs-dev] Implementing HTTPCookieStorage


Thanks for sharing. I would like to build upon it from here.

I need guidance on which XDG environment directory path the cookie storage would fit in?
Would XDG_CONFIG_HOME be a best fit for the cookies?  
Request your inputs to put me in the right direction. 


IBM Runtimes. wrote: -----
To: Pushkar N Kulkarni <>
From: Tony Parker via swift-corelibs-dev
Sent by:
Date: 01/23/2017 11:08PM
Cc: Will Stanton <>, swift-corelibs-dev <>
Subject: Re: [swift-corelibs-dev] Implementing HTTPCookieStorage

Here is the branch where I started the work but didn’t get too far.

One tricky part is that we need to figure out a way to test this stuff without exposing public API from file manager…

- Tony

On Jan 23, 2017, at 2:09 AM, Pushkar N Kulkarni <> wrote:

Hi Tony, 

Thanks! A starting point will really help. 

I've filed a feature request on JIRA:

Pushkar N Kulkarni,
IBM Runtimes

Simplicity is prerequisite for reliability - Edsger W. Dijkstra wrote: -----
To: Pushkar N Kulkarni <>
From: Tony Parker
Sent by:
Date: 01/20/2017 11:28PM
Cc: Will Stanton <>, swift-corelibs-dev <>
Subject: Re: [swift-corelibs-dev] Implementing HTTPCookieStorage

Yup, I think that makes sense.

I started an implementation a bit ago but didn’t get very far before I got derailed onto some other topics. I’ll see if I can clean it up and put it somewhere as a starting point.

- Tony

On Jan 20, 2017, at 2:31 AM, Pushkar N Kulkarni <> wrote:

Hi Tony, Will, others: 

Apologies for bringing this up after a long time!

I hope we still agree on the use of the "XDG Base Directory Specification". I did a quick read of the spec document. 

I am happy to file a JIRA report for this.

The scope, as I understand it is: CoreFoundation will implement the "XDG Base Directory Specification" and present an API to allow Foundation to retrieve the different absolute paths(related to the different env variables defined), which will be used to persist the different kinds of user data.

Please do let me know if my understanding is correct. Please augment it if necessary. 

Pushkar N Kulkarni,
IBM Runtimes

Simplicity is prerequisite for reliability - Edsger W. Dijkstra wrote: -----
To: Will Stanton <>
From: Tony Parker via swift-corelibs-dev
Sent by:
Date: 11/17/2016 03:45AM
Cc: swift-corelibs-dev <>
Subject: Re: [swift-corelibs-dev] Implementing HTTPCookieStorage

Hi Will,

> On Nov 14, 2016, at 12:56 PM, Will Stanton <> wrote:
> Hello Tony,
> Thanks for the reply. About XDG_DATA_HOME, the variable is undefined on my desktop-less server, and I think many processes still have their own save locations.
> Still, I can believe its used in a lot of places (✓) and am not opposed to it!
> Perhaps SEARCH/$EXECUTABLE_NAME/Preferences.plist would be good place and format for NSUserDefaults with SEARCH = getenv(XDG_DATA_HOME) then ~/.config?
> What about the path for cookies+caches?

I’m just reading this spec for the first time, but it looks like it accounts for that:

> • There is a single base directory relative to which user-specific non-essential (cached) data should be written. This directory is defined by the environment variable $XDG_CACHE_HOME.

Overall the spec looks reasonable and seems to be close to what we we would need.

A great next step would be to file a JIRA and look for volunteers who want to help implement this in SCL-Foundation.

- Tony

> Regards,
> Will Stanton
>> On Nov 14, 2016, at 2:37 PM, Tony Parker via swift-corelibs-dev <> wrote:
>> Off-list, someone pointed me here:
>> and here:
>> Noting that there seems to be a growing consensus for $HOME/.config.
>> Is this spec beginning to be used in the real world?

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