On 27 June 2017 at 15:42, Ian Partridge <ipartri...@gmail.com> wrote:
> With Xcode 9 beta 2, swift.org DEVELOPMENT-SNAPSHOT-2017-06-26-a, and
latest master of swift-corelibs-foundation and swift-corelibs-xctest the
build fails in the SwiftXCTest target with:
> <unknown>:0: error: unknown argument: '-index-store-path'
> Command
failed with exit code 1

To answer my own question - I was able to get the Xcode build working by

defaults write com.apple.dt.Xcode IDEIndexEnableBoltIndex NO

Many thanks to Simon Evans for pointing me at the right incantation!

Ian Partridge
swift-corelibs-dev mailing list

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