On Oct 11, 2016, at 10:10 AM, Michael Gottesman <mgottes...@apple.com> wrote:
>> >If ARC Code Motion wishes to move the ARC semantics of ownership qualified 
>> >load, store instructions, it must now consider read/write effects. On the 
>> >other hand, it will be able to now not consider the side-effects of 
>> >destructors when moving retain/release operations.
>> Can you elaborate on what you mean by this?  Does this mean the ARC 
>> optimizer has additional freedom somehow to ignore side effects in deinits?  
>> What grants that ability?
> Sorry for not being clear.
> deinits in ARC are not sequenced with respect to memory operations in normal 
> control flow, but if ARC performs any code motion, we must ensure that memory 
> safety is respected. Such semantics are not new.
> The main change here is that previously there were situations where we would 
> split up the load/retain in a load [copy] operation. Then if the right things 
> occured, we could cause the object to be deallocated before we use the value 
> or took full ownership of the value.

Ah, I see what you mean.  Got it.

> In this case, we would be passing off to useD a deallocated instance of class 
> D1 which would be undefined behavior.
> So as long as for these load [copy] operations, we move the load/retain fused 
> together, we can guarantee that an object is produced instantaneously in a 
> safe way without any worry.
> Was this helpful?

Yep, totally.  The new approach is much more clear, thanks Michael!


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