> On Nov 30, 2016, at 8:33 AM, Jiho Choi via swift-dev <swift-dev@swift.org> 
> wrote:
> Hi,
> I am new to Swift, and I have several questions about how ARC works in Swift.
> 1. I read from one of the previous discussions in the swift-evolution list 
> (https://lists.swift.org/pipermail/swift-evolution/Week-of-Mon-20160208/009422.html
> <https://lists.swift.org/pipermail/swift-evolution/Week-of-Mon-20160208/009422.html>)
>  that ARC operations are currently not atomic as Swift has no memory model 
> and concurrency model.  Does it mean that the compiler generates non-atomic 
> instructions for updating reference counts (e.g. using incrementNonAtomic() 
> instead of increment() in RefCount.h)?

No.  We have the ability to do non-atomic reference counting as an 
optimization, but we only trigger it when we can prove that an object hasn't 
escaped yet.  Therefore, at the user level, retain counts are atomic.

Swift ARC is non-atomic in the sense that a read/write or write/write race on 
an individual property/variable/whatever has undefined behavior and can lead to 
crashes or leaks.  This differs from Objective-C ARC only in that a 
(synthesized) atomic strong or weak property in Objective-C does promise 
correctness even in the face of race conditions.  But this guarantee is not 
worth much in practice because a failure to adequately synchronize accesses to 
a class's instance variables is likely to have all sorts of other unpleasant 
effects, and it is quite expensive, so we decided not to make it in Swift.

> 2. If not, when does it use non-atomic ARC operations? Is there an 
> optimization pass to recognize local objects?
> 3. Without the concurrency model in the language, if not using GCD (e.g. all 
> Swift benchmark applications), I assume Swift applications are 
> single-threaded.  Then, I think we can safely use non-atomic ARC operations.  
> Am I right?

When we say that we don't have a concurrency model, we mean that (1) we aren't 
providing a more complete language solution than the options available to C 
programmers and (2) like C pre-C11/C++11, we have not yet formalized a memory 
model for concurrency that provides formal guarantees about what accesses are 
guaranteed to not conflict if they do race.  (For example, we are unlikely to 
guarantee that accesses to different properties of a struct can occur in 
parallel, but we may choose to make that guarantee for different properties of 
a class.)

> 4. Lastly, is there a way to measure the overhead of ARC (e.g. a compiler 
> flag to disable ARC)?

No, because ARC is generally necessary for correctness.

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