Sure thing! I’ll see if I can put small reproducers together tomorrow.


On Thu, Dec 1, 2016 at 7:08 PM, Mark Lacey <> wrote:

> On Dec 1, 2016, at 5:48 PM, Ben Asher via swift-dev <>
> wrote:
> The build failed compiling 3 files in our project. Our app is crashing
> that snapshot; here is some output from the failures:
> It would be awesome if you could come up with small reproducers for these
> and open bugs for them. Alternately, opening a radar with the full project
> attached will give us an opportunity to get these fixed ASAP!
> Mark
> - Assertion failed: (newType == type || (isa<TupleType>(newType) &&
> cast<TupleType>(newType)->getNumElements() == 1 &&
> cast<TupleType>(newType).getElementType(0) == type)), function
> rewriteType, file /Users/buildn
> ode/jenkins/workspace/oss-swift-package-osx/swift/lib/SILGen/RValue.h,
> line 207.
> - SIL verification failed: method's Self parameter should be constrained
> by protocol: selfRequirement.getKind() == RequirementKind::Conformance &&
> selfRequirement.getFirstType()->isEqual(selfGenericParam) && selfR
> equirement.getSecondType()->getAs<ProtocolType>() ->getDecl() == protocol
> We're not getting all the way to linking, but compiling everything for
> that snapshot took ~11min45s. Based on that, it appears that about a minute
> is saved with the new fixes since the Swift 3.0 that shipped with Xcode 8.1
> (App Store).
> With Xcode 8.2 Beta 2, the app builds fine, and it takes about 12m15s. If
> Xcode 8.2 Beta 2 also has those fixes that we expect to speed up the build,
> the extra time here (compared to the snapshot) could be explained by
> linking, signing, and a few other custom builds scripts that run after
> compiling.
> Thanks everyone for your help!
> Ben
> On Thu, Dec 1, 2016 at 4:16 PM, Ben Asher <> wrote:
>> I'm trying out DEVELOPMENT-SNAPSHOT-2016-11-29-a now. It's still going,
>> so I don't have any time results yet. But, I did notice something new (or
>> maybe existed before but didn't have this warning to expose it). For every
>> Swift file that's compiled (only using -Onone here), it outputs the same 2
>> warnings (easy to fix, but not related to any of this) from the same method
>> in the same Obj-C header referring to the arguments and the return types in
>> that method:
>> - "array parameter is missing a nullability type specifier (_Nonnull,
>> _Nullable, or _Null_unspecified)"
>> - "inferring '_Nonnull' for pointer type within array is deprecated"
>> Here's an example of what this method looks like:
>> + (NSSet<SomeObject *> *)setWithSELs:(SEL[])sels count:(NSUInteger)count;
>> Could this point to more duplicated work?
>> Ben
>> On Thu, Dec 1, 2016 at 2:50 PM, Ben Asher <> wrote:
>>> Sure! Thanks for reminding me. I'll follow up on that, test, and get
>>> back to you.
>>> Ben
>>> On Thu, Dec 1, 2016 at 2:48 PM, Mark Lacey <> wrote:
>>>> On Dec 1, 2016, at 3:13 PM, Ben Asher via swift-dev <
>>>>> wrote:
>>>> Just running a quick trial before and after I made this change in our
>>>> project, we were previously seeing builds of our main target that took just
>>>> under 13min. With this hack, a clean debug build takes about 4.5min.
>>>> You may find that recent snapshot builds from help with your
>>>> build times even without enabling -Owholemodule. The redundant type
>>>> checking of synthesized accessors which we talked about a month or two
>>>> should now be fixed on master, and it would be great to verify that’s the
>>>> case with your code and to get an idea of how much it improves your build
>>>> times.
>>>> Mark
>>>> Ben
>>>> On Thu, Dec 1, 2016 at 1:33 PM, Ben Asher <> wrote:
>>>>> Okay I think that worked! And just to clarify, you meant set
>>>>> SWIFT_OPTIMIZATION_LEVEL = -Owholemodule and OTHER_SWIFT_FLAGS = -Onone ?
>>>>> I'll file a radar this afternoon with some details and DM you the
>>>>> number.
>>>>> Thanks again!
>>>>> Ben
>>>>> On Thu, Dec 1, 2016 at 1:10 PM, Jordan Rose <> w
>>>>> rote:
>>>>>> Xcode needs to know that you're building in WMO mode, so rather than
>>>>>> putting -whole-module-optimization in your "Other Swift Flags", put 
>>>>>> -Onone
>>>>>> there. It's an ugly hack but it should work in the near term.
>>>>>> We do want to work to make this drastic speed difference go away, so
>>>>>> if you're able we (at Apple) would love to have a source drop of your 
>>>>>> Swift
>>>>>> 3 project, for additional data on where the problems are. Mind filing a
>>>>>> Radar?
>>>>>> Best,
>>>>>> Jordan
>>>>>> > On Dec 1, 2016, at 11:51, Ben Asher via swift-dev <
>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>> >
>>>>>> > Hello! Someone recently tipped me off to using
>>>>>> -whole-module-optimization flag with -Onone for use during debug builds 
>>>>>> to
>>>>>> speed up compile times. In our project, the speedup feels quite dramatic,
>>>>>> but when it gets to the linking step (after compiling both Swift and 
>>>>>> Obj-C
>>>>>> in the project) it fails because ld can't find the individual object 
>>>>>> files
>>>>>> that normally get emitted during the debug-type build presumably because
>>>>>> -whole-module-optimization only emits one (and this isn't a normal
>>>>>> "-Owholemodule"-type build which works fine).
>>>>>> >
>>>>>> > I can't seem to reproduce this outside of Xcode, but I was curious
>>>>>> if anyone has tried this and knows of a workaround to get
>>>>>> -whole-module-optimization to work with -Onone in Xcode?
>>>>>> >
>>>>>> > I'm currently using Xcode 8.1 (App Store build) and Swift 3 on
>>>>>> macOS Sierra.
>>>>>> >
>>>>>> > Thanks!
>>>>>> >
>>>>>> > Ben
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>>>>>> >
>>>>>> >
>>>>> --
>>>>> Ben
>>>> --
>>>> Ben
>>>> _______________________________________________
>>>> swift-dev mailing list
>>> --
>>> Ben
>> --
>> Ben
> --
> Ben
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