> On Apr 20, 2017, at 18:25, Michael Ilseman <milse...@apple.com> wrote:
>> On Apr 20, 2017, at 4:55 PM, Jordan Rose via swift-dev <swift-dev@swift.org 
>> <mailto:swift-dev@swift.org>> wrote:
>> TLDR: Should we just always import C/ObjC types under their Swift 4 names, 
>> and use typealiases in Swift 3 mode?
>> ---
>> Hi, swift-dev. As my recent PRs have probably indicated, I've been working 
>> on the problems that can come up when mixing Swift 3 and Swift 4 code. Most 
>> of these problems have to do with C/ObjC APIs that might present themselves 
>> differently in Swift 3 and Swift 4, using the "API notes" feature in our 
>> downstream branch of Clang, and a good subset of these problems have to do 
>> with types getting renamed. (This includes being "renamed" into a member, 
>> such as NSNotificationName becoming (NS)Notification.Name in Swift.)
>> What's the problem? Well, there are a few. First of all, an API defined in 
>> terms of the Swift 3 name should still be callable in Swift 4. As an 
>> example, let's pretend NSNotification.Name was going to be renamed 
>> NSNotification.Identifier in Swift 4.
>> // Swift 3 library
>> public func postTestNotification(named name: NSNotification.Name) { … }
>> // Swift 4 app
>> let id: Notification.Identifier = …
>> postTestNotification(named: id) // should work
>> This means the reference to "NSNotification.Name" in the library's 
>> swiftmodule needs to still be resolvable. This isn't too bad if we leave 
>> behind a typealias for 'NSNotification.Name'. I have a reasonable (but too 
>> broad) implementation at https://github.com/apple/swift/pull/8737 
>> <https://github.com/apple/swift/pull/8737>.
>> That just leads us to another problem, though: because Swift functions can 
>> be overloaded, the symbol name includes the type, and the type has changed. 
>> The Swift 3 library exposes a symbol 
>> '_T03Lib20postTestNotificationySo14NSNotificationC4NameV5named_tF', but the 
>> Swift 4 client expects 
>> '_T03Lib20postTestNotificationySo14NSNotificationC10IdentifierV5named_tF'.
>> My planned approach to combat this was to use the C name of the type in the 
>> mangling, producing 
>> '_T03Lib20postTestNotificationySo18NSNotificationNamea5named_tF'. This is 
>> prototyped in https://github.com/apple/swift/pull/8871 
>> <https://github.com/apple/swift/pull/8871>.
>> At this point Slava pointed out I was chasing down a lot of issues when 
>> there's a much simpler solution for Swift 4: when importing types, always 
>> use the Swift 4 name, and use typealiases to handle Swift 3 compatibility. 
>> This defines both of the previous issues away, as well as any more that I 
>> just haven't thought of yet.
>> There are some downsides:
>> - We currently keep people from using Swift 4 names in Swift 3 code, and we 
>> wouldn't be able to do that, since the actual declaration of the type always 
>> needs to be available.
> I don’t know if this is an important distinction to worry about. That code 
> will still be able to use features from Swift 4, and perhaps even Swift 4 
> only types (e.g. Substring from SE-0163).
>> - We'd probably want to tweak the "aka" printing in diagnostics to not look 
>> through these typealiases. That's not hard, though.
>> - We can't keep doing this once we have ABI stability. Hopefully framework 
>> owners aren't going to continue changing Swift names of types, but we'll 
>> probably need to implement my "C name in the mangling" plan anyway, just in 
>> case.
> Would this fall under the realm of library evolution, wherein name changes 
> should be versioned? In that case, would we need both symbols whether they 
> came from C or not?

I suspect we'll end up doing my appended follow-up for this: "mangle me as if 
my name were ___". That doesn't cover everything the importer does, though 
(turning enums into structs, swift_wrapper, import-as-member, etc).

I also hope we just don't have to deal with name changes very often in 


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