> On Jun 22, 2017, at 12:32 AM, Jacob Bandes-Storch via swift-dev 
> <swift-dev@swift.org> wrote:
> Hi,
> I’ve thought about this issue in the past too, and would be happy to help 
> write some content or at least proofread / contribute tidbits to a guide for 
> new developers.
> As pointed out in this thread, a lot of Swift infrastructure and paradigms 
> comes from the LLVM community, but spelling that out in a “Getting Started” 
> guide would be nice.


> It’d also be worth gathering some tips & tricks for developing & debugging 
> issues, using Xcode or otherwise.

There is already a file like this if you want to extend it. It is 

> Would a Markdown document in the apple/swift repo be the best place for such 
> a thing?

See above ; ).

I imagine if you wanted to convert it to markdown, I don't think anyone would 
object. But I could be wrong.

> On Tue, Jun 20, 2017 at 12:37 PM Halen Wooten via swift-dev 
> <swift-dev@swift.org <mailto:swift-dev@swift.org>> wrote:
> Hi,
> I would like to start a discussion about getting started with the
> Swift Compiler. The end goal is to see if there are ways we can help
> newcomers to the compiler get started and more quickly grow into a
> more effective contributor. The motivation is that I've had a
> surprising amount of trouble with my starter bug. Swift is amazing and
> I would love to contribute more regularly, but I also don't want to
> burden the core team.
> I know that documentation on a huge project like this is a
> non-starter, but I wonder if we could have better information on the
> contribution process, which likely wouldn't change frequently. For
> example, I learned through a conference talk that Swift uses LLVM's
> lit testing. I couldn't find that in any of Swift's documentation. The
> docs explain how to run tests, but not how to write them. I would be
> happy to help out with documentation if we can decide on changes that
> would be useful.
> Also, after I'm able to get my starter bug merged, I have no idea
> where to go from there. I don't want to take another starter bug and
> deprive someone else of the opportunity to contribute (although maybe
> that's an unnecessary restriction I'm placing on myself), but I'm also
> not in a place where I could take on something much larger.
> The learning curve for a compiler is always going to be high, but does
> anyone have ideas on how we could assist newcomers with their first
> starter bug and then transitioning into something larger?
> Thanks,
> Halen
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