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Title: Report

[FAILURE] oss-swift-4.0-package-osx [#510]

Build URL:
Date of build:Mon, 17 Jul 2017 11:54:56 -0700
Build duration:2 hr 31 min

Identified problems:

  • Compile Error: This build failed because of a compile error. Below is a list of all errors in the build log:
  • Regression test failed: This build failed because a regression test in the test suite FAILed. Below is a list of all errors:


  • Commit c4064b4ece163ca63295e47f10f74b8955edc03f by Pierre Habouzit:

    the buffer size ioctls on linux return EINVAL when it's not supported

    • edit: src/event/event_epoll.c

  • Commit 3b5d69b033e36eef07f5774ffdf12e459e6f946a by Pierre Habouzit:

    fix mistake in dispatch_timer.c

    • edit: tests/dispatch_timer.c

  • Commit b37a9aeaf41b78d77b7873f2fb6023ae7c49f24f by Akira Hatanaka:

    [Driver] Check that the iOS deployment target is iOS 10 or earlier if

    • edit: lib/Driver/ToolChains.cpp
    • edit: test/Driver/darwin-version.c
    • edit: include/clang/Basic/

  • Commit 782b59986800eee71d6f0e5d74e8c2b3f899521d by David Hart:

    Convert multi-line strings to the Swift 4 syntax

    • edit: Tests/SourceControlTests/GitRepositoryTests.swift
    • edit: Tests/BasicTests/JSONTests.swift
    • edit: Tests/UtilityTests/ArgumentParserTests.swift
    • edit: Sources/Basic/Process.swift
    • edit: Tests/BasicTests/FileSystemTests.swift
    • edit: Tests/CommandsTests/RunToolTests.swift
    • edit: Sources/Commands/show-dependencies.swift
    • edit: Tests/PackageLoadingTests/ModuleMapGenerationTests.swift
    • edit: Sources/Utility/Diagnostics.swift
    • edit: Tests/XcodeprojTests/FunctionalTests.swift
    • edit: Tests/FunctionalTests/ToolsVersionTests.swift
    • edit: Tests/PackageGraphPerformanceTests/DependencyResolverPerfTests.swift
    • edit: Sources/Commands/Describe.swift
    • edit: Tests/PackageLoadingTests/JSONSerializationTests.swift
    • edit: Sources/Xcodeproj/generate().swift
    • edit: Sources/Xcodeproj/xcscheme().swift
    • edit: Tests/FunctionalTests/MiscellaneousTests.swift
    • edit: Tests/WorkspaceTests/WorkspaceTests.swift
    • edit: Tests/PackageLoadingTests/WhitelistTests.swift
    • edit: Tests/FunctionalTests/VersionSpecificTests.swift
    • edit: Tests/PackageLoadingPerformanceTests/ManifestLoadingTests.swift
    • edit: Tests/BasicTests/ProcessTests.swift
    • edit: Tests/FunctionalTests/ModuleMapTests.swift
    • edit: Tests/PackageLoadingTests/PD4LoadingTests.swift
    • edit: Tests/UtilityTests/ProgressBarTests.swift
    • edit: Sources/Build/llbuild.swift
    • edit: Sources/Workspace/InitPackage.swift
    • edit: Sources/TestSupport/XCTAssertHelpers.swift
    • edit: Sources/Utility/ArgumentParserShellCompletion.swift

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